二四六天天好彩 has entered into an agreement with CIMEA (Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence), the official Italian centre of the ENIC/NARIC network, in order to launch a service for students who hold foreign qualifications recognized in Italy.
The service involves the issuance of a Verification Certificate and a Certificate of Comparability by CIMEA, which must be presented to the University at the time of enrolment.
These certificates will be accepted as an alternative to the Legalization of the foreign qualification certificate and the 鈥Dichiarazione di valore鈥 (Declaration of Value) issued by the Italian Embassy or Consulate, in accordance with the current national regulations and procedures.
The service aims to enhance qualifications assessment procedures and to facilitate the production of documents by candidates for admission to study programmes, both in terms of timing and the number of documents and related costs.
Those interested can request a Verification Certificate and a Certificate of Comparability directly from CIMEA using the Diplome platform, which is entirely in English.
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Thanks to Diplome, CIMEA issues its certificates on the blockchain, allowing holders of qualifications to easily and securely share their qualifications with any institution in the world. Students interested in accessing the courses offered by 二四六天天好彩 can create their MyDiplome account and then manage contacts with the CIMEA experts independently.
Students will be able to:
Each user will be able to follow the status of the requests forwarded to CIMEA directly through the 鈥My Services鈥 section of the MyDiplome account.
The Verification Certificate and the Certificate of Comparability issued by CIMEA will be sent in pdf format directly to the applicant through the 鈥My Services鈥 section, and later published on the digital Wallet. Students will then be able to share them through blockchain technology.