

The goals of the research at 二四六天天好彩 on NTDs

As well as the obvious important diseases (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria) specific projects will be elaborated towards the so called 鈥淣eglected Tropical Diseases鈥 (NTDs). The World Health Organization has thus defined a group of chronic illnesses which affect more than a billion people worldwide and the greatest part of these are located in the area of the African Sahara. They are mainly tropical diseases and almost totally infective illnesses.

As well as having a negative impact on people鈥檚 health, the NTDs contribute to continuing the poverty cycle which affects these areas. The NTDs are neglected diseases because under many points of view, they don鈥檛 benefit from the right amount of attention. Unfortunately they are a less interesting target for the pharmaceutical industries.聽