
International Students

On this page you will find all the useful information to live and study in Italy.

Click on the boxes below to read
the information about how to study in Italy

Before arriving in Italy

All the steps you need to take before your arrival in Italy.

UniversItaly Application - Filling in the Guide

How can I send my pre-enrolment application through UniversItaly?

Step 1: Registration on the UniversItaly portal.

Register on this page:
Then click on听鈬 Join now!
You can switch to English/Italian on the top right of the page.

Fill in the fields required to create your profile and remember to:
Enter your personal information exactly as presented in your passport. For example, if you have 2 or more names/surnames displayed on your passport, you must insert all of them.

The self-generated Italian tax code (codice fiscale) in your GOMP student portal is not official. If you do not already have an official tax code (Codice Fiscale), do not insert it. The official one will be issued to you once the university enrolment procedure has been completed.

Only use the email address with which you registered on the GOMP portal. If you use a different email address we won鈥檛 be able to identify you and your application will be rejected.

As a document type please select 鈥減assport鈥. If your passport has expired, you may select another document at this stage of registration. However, we recommend that you arrange to apply for a new one as soon as possible since in order to complete your pre-registration on the UniversItaly portal, it is mandatory to use your passport. Expect an e-mail from universitaly@cineca.it to the address you provided; you will be invited to complete your registration by entering a personal password.

鉃 You will receive an email asking you to log in to your account and complete your registration by choosing a password.

鉃 Then wait for an email from universitaly@cineca.it confirming that your registration has been successfully completed.

On the UNIVERSITALY homepage, click on the INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS window + PRE-ENROLL NOW and begin your pre-enrolment process.

NOTES: if you wish to interrupt the process for a while, you can resume it later without the need to start from scratch. All you need to do is log in again. If you leave the page idle for too long, you will see the message 鈥渁uthentication problem鈥 on a blank page. However, you will not need to start the process again: to reopen the file you have already started it will be enough to log in again.

Step 2: Pre-registration

Remember that you can only send one application per academic year, so you must indicate one university and one study programme.

This second part of the process is divided into 3 more steps

Step A: Enter your date of birth, residence and personal contact information.


All data is mandatory (except the tax code).

Step B: Upload a passport photo and a copy of your passport to the portal.

VISA: enter the details of the Italian Representation where you will apply for the study VISA and indicate the reason for the VISA application.

Course of study information: enter the following information

Institution: University

Institution Name: 二四六天天好彩 International Medical University

Course Type: Bachelor鈥檚 Degree programme/ Master鈥檚 Degree Programme

Course Name: Medicine and Surgery/Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics/Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques/Biomedical Laboratory Techniques/Midwifery/Nursing/Phisiotherapy.

Course Location: Rome

Step C: Upload the academic qualification certificates and supporting documents that you provided for your pre-evaluation:

鈼 final diploma (if available) or provisional certificate 鈥 original copy and Italian/English translation (where necessary);

鈼 certificate showing the exams taken 鈥 original copy and Italian/English translation (where necessary);

鈼 language certificate(s) (where required);

鈼 CIMEA Statement of Comparability/Declaration of Value/Diploma Supplement (where held).

Notes: As far as our institution is concerned, the only mandatory document to be uploaded to your pre-enrolment application is your passport, as all the other documents which are mandatory at this stage have already been provided in your online application on apply.unive.it. However, you will have to provide the Embassy/Consulate with the necessary documents when you turn to them for the VISA application. Please check their website or refer to them directly to enquire about specific requirements they might have.

1.1 Summary

Through the OVERVIEW function, verify that your pre-enrolment application is complete and SUBMIT IT.

Below you will find the steps you should take after submitting your pre-registration application:

1. You will receive an email from no-reply@cineca.it as a confirmation that your application has been successfully submitted. 二四六天天好彩 International Medical University will verify your application. This process may take a few days.

2. If your pre-enrolment is not complete, you will receive an email from no-reply@cineca.it with a request to complete your pre-enrolment with any documents or missing information. If, on the contrary, your pre-enrolment is complete, 二四六天天好彩 International Medical University will forward it to the Consulate/Embassy where you indicated that you will be applying for a VISA.

VISA Application - FAQs

Candidates who are admitted to one of the 二四六天天好彩 degree courses must go to the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the country of residence to apply for an Italian entry VISA for study reasons. Citizens of the Schengen Area and of Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, the Vatican City and San Marino do NOT need to apply for a VISA. The VISA allows foreign citizens to enter the Italian territory for certain purposes and for a specific period. The issuing of the VISA is not automatic and upon entering Italy the border authorities are authorized to request demonstration of compliance with the requirements necessary for obtaining the VISA itself. The VISA can be a separate document or it can be printed on the passport or contained in a sheet to be attached to it.

The following information is taken from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation website. This is for illustrative purposes only, and is not exhaustive. For further information, please check the Official Website, clicking 鈬 .

Candidates who are admitted to one of the 二四六天天好彩 degree courses must go to the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the country of residence to apply for an Italian entry VISA for study reasons. Citizens of the Schengen Area and of Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, the Vatican City and San Marino do NOT need to apply for a VISA. The VISA allows foreign citizens to enter the Italian territory for certain purposes and for a specific period. The issuing of the VISA is not automatic and upon entering Italy the border authorities are authorized to request demonstration of compliance with the requirements necessary for obtaining the VISA itself. The VISA can be a separate document or it can be printed on the passport or contained in a sheet to be attached to it.

The following information is taken from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation website. This is for illustrative purposes only, and is not exhaustive. For further information, please check the Official Website, clicking 鈬 .

Do I need an entry VISA for Italy?

To find out if you need an entry VISA for Italy, visit the database VISA for Italy clicking 鈬 .

After having clicked on the question 鈥淒o you need a VISA?鈥 and selected the country you are a citizen of, the country where you have registered residency and the length of stay and reason, you will see if you need to obtain a VISA for entry into Italy. All types of VISAs list the documentation required.

I want to study in Italy. Do I need a VISA?

If you need a tourist VISA to enter the Schengen area, you definitely need a VISA to study in Italy. If you are a national of a country exempted from issuing a Schengen VISA for stays up to 90 days, you will need a VISA only if your stay for study purposes lasts over 90 days.

How many types of study VISAs exist?

Besides the general study VISA, there are six other types of study VISAs: for enrolling in an Italian university; for attending a single university course; for post-graduate studies; for participating in an exchange and mobility programme; for traineeship and apprenticeship; for vocational training. With a view to checking the requirements to be met for each of these types of VISA, see the database VISA for Italy.

What financial resources do I need to have so I can obtain a study VISA?

With specific reference to the academic year 2018 鈥 2019, if you apply for a VISA to enrol in an Italian university, you need to demonstrate you have a minimum amount of financial resources equal to 5,889 euros a year. This sum is based on the yearly amount of the so-called 鈥渟ocial allowance鈥. If your studies are staggered over many years, you only need to prove you have these financial resources for the first year. For all the other types of study VISAs, with a view to knowing the amount of financial resources required, please refer to Table A of the Directive issued by the Ministry for Internal Affairs on March 1, 2000, providing for a fixed amount and a daily amount. Hence the total amount varies depending on the length of stay for study purposes.

Can I prove to have the necessary financial resources to obtain a study VISA with a bank guarantee?

No, you cannot. In the case of stays for study purposes, the bank guarantee or the insurance policy do not fall within the list of documents deemed suitable for demonstrating you have adequate financial resources. You need to have personal or family guarantees or financial guarantees provided by Italian institutions and organizations (including universities), by local governments or by foreign institutions and organizations deemed reliable by the Italian Diplomatic Mission. For additional information see the MIUR webpage 鈥淔oreign students鈥.

Are financial guarantees provided in favour of the student by a person not belonging to his/her family valid?

The student regularly admitted to a university, who applies for a VISA to enrol in a university, has to prove that his/her family has sufficient financial means to support him/her while studying in Italy. The fact that a subject not belonging to his/her family (associations, friends or relatives living in Italy) ensures support, with a declaration of hospitality and a written commitment (while demonstrating to have the necessary financial resources), is a positive but not decisive factor for obtaining a VISA. No private individual can be called upon to replace the family in its obligation to provide financial support. The decision has to be taken by the local VISA offices.

I have been admitted to an Italian university and I have pre-enrolled at the Italian Embassy in my country. Now I have to go to Italy and take a language exam/an exam to be admitted to my university course but, instead of issuing a study VISA, the Italian Mission has issued me a tourist VISA. Does this mean that after the exam, if I get admitted, I will have to go back to my country to obtain a study VISA?

If the reference Notice provides that, then this is what is prescribed by law. The study VISA is issued only if you succeed in the admission tests.

What documents do I need to apply for a VISA?

The VISA for Italy database lists all the documents required, but the VISA office may also request other documentation depending on your case.
On the VISA for Italy database you will be able to find out more about VISA fees.

We suggest you get specific information at the VISA office authorised for your area.

How long does it take to get a VISA?

The terms for issuance of a Schengen VISA are listed in art. 23 of the VISA Code: 15 days, extendable in specific cases to 60. The timeframes for issuance of national VISAs are set out in section 5 (8) of Presidential Decree 394 of 31 August 1999, as amended by D.P.R. 334/2004, which states that the diplomatic/consular mission, 鈥渁fter ascertaining that the application can be entertained, and after conducting the necessary investigations in relation to the VISA, including all preventive security checks, shall issue a VISA within 90 days of the date of application鈥 (30 days for paid employment, 120 days for self-employment). For more information see the Terms for issuance of VISAs.

What is the difference between the duration of a VISA and its validity?

There are two timeframes for an entry VISA:

Duration is the actual maximum period of stay permitted.

Validity is the time within which the VISA can be used.

A VISA鈥檚 validity is generally longer that its duration, and it establishes from when and until when the VISA can be used. The VISA expires on the last day of its validity, and as from that date third country visitors are required to leave the Schengen area, otherwise their presence becomes illegal.
For example: if a Schengen VISA has a duration of 30 days and a validity of 90 days starting today, that means it can be used to enter the Schengen area at any time in the next three months for a maximum of 30 days.

I have been admitted to a multi-year university course, but the Embassy issued me a one-year VISA. What shall I do for the following years? Do I have to apply for a new VISA?

It will not be necessary. A VISA is the authorization to enter Italy for the first time with the motivation shown on the VISA label (study VISA for enrolling in a university, in this specific case). Within 8 days since entry into Italy, you have to apply for a residence permit at the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters competent for the Municipality of residence. Your residence permit is the document that makes your presence in Italy legal. It is be renewed before its expiry date.

I am waiting to find out whether my VISA application has been accepted: how can I check its status?

To check on the status of your VISA application, contact the consulate where you submitted the application.

Can I extend my VISA once I am in Italy?

Aliens with a uniform short-stay Schengen VISA can stay in Italy or another Schengen country for a period of time not to exceed the length of the VISA, except in the case of proven inability to leave or in other adequately justified special cases (e.g. business VISA extension for negotiations, supplier contacts, etc.).
In such cases the local Police 鈥淨uestura鈥 decide on VISA extensions.

The long-stay VISA permits entry into Italy, but once across the border a residence permit is required and is the only document that allows aliens to reside legally in Italy.

Where and how can I apply for a VISA?

In most cases, you can apply for a VISA at the Embassy or Consulate of the country you want to visit. You will have to:
1. Make an appointment.

2. Collect a set of documents.

3. Pay a VISA processing fee.

4. Have a VISA interview (sometimes).

The consular officers will review your application and decide whether to grant you a VISA or not. Depending on the VISA type, it could take several days to several months to process your application.

REMEMBER: Embassies or consulates will sometimes outsource VISA submissions to private travel agencies. This means the agency collects your documents and sends them to the embassy/consulate, which then makes the decision.

I submitted all the documentation requested but my VISA was denied. Why?

Applicants are notified of Schengen VISA denials and their reasons by means of a form that can be found in the VISA Code.
Applicants are notified of the reasons for denial also in the case of long stay VISAs.
Denials in the case of a Schengen or National VISA not requested for family reasons can be submitted for review by the Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale (T.A.R.) (Regional Administrative Court) of Lazio within 60 days of receipt of notification of denial.
In the case of VISAs denied for joining or accompanying family members only, eventual claims can be made through a lawyer to the Authorised Regular Court (Tribunale Ordinario) without time limitations.

Where can I find the list of scholarships granted to foreigners who wish to study in Italy?

Every year the Italian Government provides scholarships to foreigners or Italian citizens living abroad to complete formal studies and/or follow bilateral and multilateral study or research programmes in Italy. All information (such as the list of scholarship recipient countries, the call for applications, the web platform for online applications, etc.) can be found on the webpage 鈥淪cholarships granted by the Italian Government to Foreigners and Nationals living abroad鈥, as well as on the new portal 鈥淪tudy in Italy鈥 in the section 鈥淪cholarships鈥.

I am a non-EU citizen. I want to enrol in an Italian university: where can I find all the information and the list of documents I need?

Every year the Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) publishes the rules for foreign students鈥 access to university courses. For additional information, see 鈥淔oreign Students鈥 on the MIUR website, where detailed information on the procedures and deadlines for enrolment in Italian universities, Fine Arts Academies, Music Conservatories, non-medical specialization schools and other courses can be found. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has created a web portal describing the various steps of the enrolment procedure, where information is available in English as well.

I got a diploma/graduated abroad. Is my qualification recognized in Italy?

Foreign qualifications are not automatically recognized in Italy. For information on how to obtain their recognition, see the website of the Information Centre on Mobility and Academic Equivalence (CIMEA). On this page of the Ministry鈥檚 website you can check whether Italy has reached an agreement with the country in which you want your qualifications to be recognized. If you plan to study or work in Italy, we strongly recommend that you complete the procedure for the equivalence of your education/professional qualification before moving to Italy. The process involves foreign authorities and Italian consular offices abroad.

二四六天天好彩 accepts both the Declaration of Value and a legalized translation of your degree and the Certificate of Comparability and Verification issued by CIMEA.

For further information, please check Section 3.

What can I do to legalize a diploma or a degree obtained abroad, with a view to having it recognized in Italy?

You need to legalize the original copy of your qualification and provide an official translation made by the competent local government representative office, diplomatic or consular authorities or authenticated by certified translators registered with the Courts or Consulates, as well as a 鈥淐ertificate of Equivalence of Qualification鈥, the so-called 鈥淒ichiarazione di Valore in Loco鈥.
While the legalization of the qualification is usually made by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the country where the qualification was obtained, the 鈥渃ertificate of equivalence of qualification鈥 is issued by the Italian consular authorities of the constituency where the qualification was obtained. For general information on legalizations and official translations, see 鈥淭ranslation and Legalization of Documents鈥 on this website.

What is the 鈥淐ertificate of Equivalence of Qualification鈥 and how can I obtain it?

The 鈥淐ertificate of Equivalence鈥 of a foreign qualification certifies its authenticity and states access requirements, the duration of studies, the legal, qualifying or professional value of the qualification in the foreign country鈥檚 legal system for the purposes of practising a profession or for continuing studies in a foreign country. For these reasons, the original copy of the diploma or degree needs to be submitted to the Italian consular authorities. It is advisable to obtain the 鈥淐ertificate of Equivalence of Qualification鈥 before moving to Italy and to make the appropriate contacts with the consular authorities. If the procedure is fulfilled when you are already in Italy, the qualifications will be sent by mail or they will be entrusted to a delegate and to a service agency. This may increase costs and risks of loss. For additional information on qualifications, see the web portal study-in-italy.it developed by the Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) jointly with CIMEA, the Information Centre on Mobility and Academic Equivalence.

I am a refugee in Italy and have been officially recognized the right to international protection. Who and how can I ask for the 鈥淐ertificate of Equivalence of Qualification鈥 of my diploma or degree?

You can contact the Ministry for Foreign Affairs 鈥 DGSP 鈥 Office VII, which offers a free assistance service to apply for the issuing of the 鈥渃ertificate of equivalence of qualification鈥. The procedure consists essentially in transmitting the original qualification to the Italian consular authorities in the country where it was obtained, with a view to receiving 鈥 confidentially 鈥 the information necessary to confirm the authenticity of the qualification and its value in the local legal system. Both considering the confidential nature of the procedure and the objective difficulties due to the various local situations in the countries from which the refugees come, may take many months. Those entitled to international protection have to deliver or send their original qualification by mail and provide a copy of their residence permit and of their Italian identity document. Those who want to be assisted by a certified Refugee Centre or by their trusted representative have to provide a specific nominative authorization, stating details and addresses for the purposes of returning documents at the end of the procedure.

I am a student studying Italian abroad and I want to improve my knowledge Italian.

It is possible if you are not a beginner and you already have intermediate knowledge of the language. With a view to studying Italian, a requirement to be met for obtaining a study VISA is that you attend higher level courses. They have to be full-time and fixed-term courses. The Universities for Foreigners in Perugia and Siena and the University of Roma TRE provide valuable and qualifying courses for the purpose of obtaining the so-called 鈥淚talian Quality Certification 鈥 CLIQ鈥. This evaluation and certification system is in line with the scientific standards set by the Council of Europe in the 鈥淐ommon European Framework of Reference for Languages鈥.

二四六天天好彩 organises Italian language courses for its students. For futher information, please see Section 3.

After your arrival in Italy

All the steps you need to take after your arrival in Italy.

Applying for a residence permit

A residence permit (鈥淧ermesso di Soggiorno鈥) is a legal document registering听Non-EU citizens with local Italian government officials so that they may stay听legally in the country, whether for work, study, family or other reasons. By law听you must apply for a residence permit within eight (8) business days of your听arrival听in听Italy听at听one听of听the听appropriate听Public听Offices听(Questura听or听Post听Offices)听and听renew听it听every听year.

鉃斕齓ou will be given an Immigration KIT (Kit Immigrazione) and since you are听here for study reasons you will be asked to fill in a form according to the听indications听given听on听the听instructions.

鉃斕齓ou will have to hand that kit back to the Post Office with copies of the听documents听listed听below.听The听Post听Office听will听insert听the听information听provided听into听a听database听and听send听your听kit听off.

鉃斕齓ou will the be given 2 receipts and a paper indicating your appointment听with听the听police听for听fingerprinting.

Documents for the Immigration kit (the second copy is for the appointment with the Police)

  • 2 photocopies of your passport;
  • 2 photocopies of your VISA;
  • 2 photocopies of a medical insurance policy valid in Italy;
  • 2 photocopies of the enrolment certificate or letter of admission to 二四六天天好彩 International Medical University stamped and signed by the Consulate;
  • 2 copies of the DICHIARAZIONE CONSOLARE stating you have submitted all papers and have met all the requirments for coming to study in Italy/OR a bank statement or other documents demonstrating adequate means of economic support and lodging.
    A revenue stamp worth 鈧16 (you can buy one at a tobacconist鈥檚 or 鈥淭abaccheria鈥)
  • Your tax code. In order to know how to request it, please read the paragraph Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) request below.
  • 2 identical, passport-sized photos (only for the appointment with the police). Additional costs will be for the release of your residence permit + emailing the kit for a total amount of around 鈧100,00. It may take a few months to have the standard Permesso issued.

In听the听waiting听period听you听will be given a receipt by the post office which听testifies听that听you听complied听within听the听terms听of听8听days听with听the听law听requirements.

For听further听information,听please check听the Polizia di听Stato website 鈬ㄌ.

Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) request

The听tax听code听is听a听national听identification听number听or听National Identity Card听number issued by the Ministry of Finances. You need to have your own codice听fiscale to register for a degree programme, the Italian National Health Service,听to open a bank account, to request a residence permit, and the SPID, etc. It is听adVISAble to obtain your tax code at the Italian Embassy/Consulate in your听home country. In Italy you have to go to the nearest Revenue Agency (鈥淎genzia听delle听entrate鈥),听according听to听the听area听you听live听in.

National Health Service (SSN) registration

Registration with the National Health Service is normally valid for the same period as the residence permit. After the period of validity has expired, the citizen who has obtained an extension of his/her residence permit must contact the competent Local Health Authority (or 鈥淎SL鈥).

Entitled to the SSN is/are:


鉃斕齌hose who are legally living in Italy or have applied for the renewal of or听for听a听residence听permit,听cases听for听special听protection,听for听medical听treatment听according听to听art.听19,听par.听2,听letter听d-bis听of听Law听no.听286/1998,听fo听an听asylum听request,听for听adoption,听and听to听obtain听citizenship;


How do I register for the SSN?

It is necessary to go to the relevant Local Health Authority office and submit:

鉃 a valid identity document;

鉃 tax code duly issued by the Revenue Agency;

鉃 your residence permit of the receipt of the application for the issuance or renewal of the permit.
In order to register for the National Health Service, the Local Health Authority may also use the provisional tax code assigned to you by the Revenue Agency (following requests from the Ministry of the Interior (SUI)/Questura, a procedure for emersion from irregular work).
If two or more persons with the same personal data generate the same tax code, the Local Heath Authority may request foreign citizens to contact the offices of the Revenue Agency to be assigned the final tax code.

The tax code requested by citizens and issued by the Revenue Agency within听the first 90 days of their stay in Italy is valid even after this period, as it is not听linked to the residence permit. This tax code can also be used for registration听with听the听National听Health听Service.

Foreign citizens legally staying in Italy who do not belong to the categories听mentioned in the box 鈥淩egistering with the SSN鈥, who have a residence permit听for a period of more than three months (and who are not obliged to register听with the National Health Service), can still register voluntarily with the National听Health听Service听by听paying听an听annual听lump-sum听contribution.听(For听more听information,听see听鈥淗ow听to听do听register听voluntarily听on听the听SSN鈥.)

For听more听information,听please听visit听Health assistance for foreigners on the听Ministry听of听Health鈥檚听.

Citizens Pending Regularisation

Citizens听pending听for听regularisation听can听be听enrolled听in听the听National听Health听Service with a temporary numerical tax code (usually issued by the Sportello听Unico dell’Immigrazione or the Questura), by submitting the receipt for the听regularisation听application.


If the foreign citizen for whom regularisation has been requested does not听know the tax code assigned to him/her, the various Local Health Authorities听have听a听procedure听to听retrieve听it听by听entering听the听citizen’s听complete听personal听data.

A听foreign听citizen听who听does听not听comply听with听the听rules听for听entry听and听stay听in听Italy听is entitled to urgent or necessary outpatient and inpatient treatment, even if it听is听ongoing,听and听to听treatment听for听illness听and听accident听in听public听or听private听affiliated institutions. For this purpose, he/she must apply for a card called ‘STP’听(Straniero Temporaneamente Presente 鈥揟emporarily Present Foreigner), which听is听valid听for听six听months听and听can听be听renewed.

For more information on health care for foreign citizens, see a section on the听Ministry听of听Health鈥檚听website听with听answers听to听frequently听asked听questions.

Issuance and validity of the health card

Upon registration with the National Health Service, the Local Health Authority applies for the issuance of the health card and electronically transfers the citizen鈥檚 data to the health card system.
The card is valid for the same period as the residence permit and is sent to the applicant’s tax domicile registered in the Revenue Agency database.

If the citizen has changed domicile, he/she must notify his/her new domicile听before reporting to the Local Health Authority for registration with the National听Health听Service.

How to request a Health Insurance Card.

The Health Card is free of charge and available to all citizens who:

鉃 have the correct tax code assigned to them by the Revenue Agency
鉃 are registered with the competent Local Health Authority (or 鈥淎SL鈥) which has transmitted the data to the 鈥淗ealth Card System鈥.

Citizens who have a valid tax code must necessarily register with a competent Local Health Authority in order to obtain the Italian health card.

Citizens who do not have the tax code can get it at any Office of the Revenue Agency. Click here to book an appointment by filling in the form AA4/8 properly, and attaching a copy of a valid ID.
Citizens without a tax code can submit their request by email or CEM (鈥淧EC鈥) using the form AA4/8, duly filled in and signed, without going to the office. You can find here the mail and CEM addresses. The form can be digitally signed and must be accompanied by the required documents, plus a valid identity document. The certificate of attribution of the tax code will be sent to the taxpayer through the channel chosen for the request.

Card delivery

The health card is sent by ordinary mail to the address of residence resulting in the Italian Tax Register, the databases of the Tax Authority. It is the address of residence that is transmitted by the municipalities to the Agenzia delle Entrate.

Why do I need to request a Health Insurance Card?

The Health Card can replace the tax code.

You use it at the doctor鈥檚, to buy medicines at the chemist鈥檚, to book an appointment for a blood test, to go for a medical check-up in a hospital or a Local Health Authority or whenever your tax code has to be certified.
The Card has a duration equal to that of the residence permit and is sent to the applicant鈥檚 residence or domicile address.
On the back of the Card there is the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card). The EHIC guarantees healthcare in the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, according to the current regulations in each country.
To be able to take advantage of the services, the assisted person can go directly to their GP or a public or affiliated health facility and show their EHIC.
Assistance is direct and therefore nothing is due, except for the payment of a ticket which is the direct responsibility of the client and therefore non-refundable.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is issued to EU and non-EU citizens registered with the National Health System and not dependent on foreign institutions.
For further information, please see:
https://sistemats1.sanita.finanze.it/portale/tessera-sanitaria (in Italian)

How can I register with a GP surgery?

Registration with the National Health System allows you to benefit from the care of a family doctor (general practitioner or GP). Choosing a GP is done at the dedicated offices of the Local Health Authorities in the City of Rome or, if you are a resident, you can do so via the Internet by logging on to and registering on Salutelazio.it.
It is important to know that the first choice of a GP (and the one immediately following a change of municipality) must be made compulsorily at the reference Local Health Authority, which will issue the regional health certificate.
For work, medical treatment and study reasons, non-resident citizens can enjoy the health care provided by their GP from a minimum of three months to a maximum of twelve, after which it can be further extended (temporary care).

Required documents

Italian resident citizens and European Union resident citizens: ID card, tax听code, certificate of residence or self-certification, name or regional code of the听doctor听you听want听to听choose.

Non-resident Italian citizens: ID card and tax code, self-declaration of domicile,听doctor’s clearance issued by the 鈥淎SL鈥 of local authority, name or regional code听of the doctor you want to choose. For temporary care, it is also necessary to听deliver:

  • For employment reasons (mission, training, seasonal work) > statement from听the听employer.
  • For medical treatment > certificate issued by the specialist doctor of a public听facility听or听your听GP.
  • For听study听reasons听>听certification听showing听enrolment听or听self-certification.

Non-EU citizens: ID card, Social Security Number, original copy of residence听permit,听name听or听regional听code听of听the听doctor听you听want听to听choose.

Local Health Authority (鈥淎SL鈥) offices in the City of Rome

We give the contact details of the Local Health Authority鈥檚 Public Relations听Offices in the City of Rome to make it easier to find the office of reference. The听Local Health Authority (鈥淎SL鈥) are of territorial competence and are identified听on the basis of place of residence. You can request information about which is听your 鈥淎SL鈥 of reference from the Municipality of Rome by calling the following听number:听06听06听06.





Email: protocollo.inf@asl-rme.it听



Contact person: Interim operations office听Address:听Via听Primo听Carnera,听1听–听ROME听(RM)听Phone:听06.51001


Email: protocollo.generale@pec.aslroma2.it听






For听further听information,听please check the SaluteLazio Website 鈬ㄌ.

Why do I need to register with a GP surgery?

Each practitioner, chosen through the Local Health Authority, has a surgery where he/she must guarantee free general check-ups at the established times and days.
You can also contact him/her for:

鈥edical certificates of illness

鈥equests for specialist check-ups and diagnostic tests

鈥equests for non-urgent hospitalization

鈥equests for thermal treatments

鈥rescription of medicines

If necessary, your GP can give check-ups at your home. A home check-up is done when the patient鈥檚 health conditions do not allow him/her to go to the doctor鈥檚 surgery.

Where can I appeal for the prevention and promotion of my mental and physical health?

Family Health Counselling Centres are basic social-health services of the Regional Health Service, with direct and free access for all people, including

young children from the age of 14, to protect the health of women, pregnancy and foetuses, couples, families, developmental age, and adolescents.
They are multi-professional services where it is possible to find teams of gynaecologists, midwives, psychologists, paediatricians, social workers, and nurses oriented to the prevention and promotion of the health and well-being of women, men, children and adolescents (up to 24 years of age), couples, and families.
In addition to welcoming and caring for the individual, they are districts that offer services for all families such as: family mediation, legal, psychological, social, and educational parenting counselling, with specific attention to situations of distress, fragility and family conflict.
Family Counselling Centres are widely distributed throughout the region (with 135 active districts) and are integrated with other health, social and health services.

Access Modalities and Schedules

Access to the services of Family Counselling Centres does not require a prescription from a general practitioner or paediatrician of free choice and can be made anywhere in the region.
During reception hours people can request an appointment, speak with a receptionist, by going to the family counselling centre in person during opening hours or by calling the numbers indicated for each counselling centre.

Description and Purpose of the Service

According to the provisions of the Decree of the Commissioner ad Acta May 12, 2014, no. U00152 the health and social health activities carried out by the staff working at the Family Counselling Centres (meetings, interviews, check-ups, counselling, therapy, etc.) are divided into 8 care pathways.

For further information, please check out the dedicated website 鈬 .

What is SPID?

Public Digital Identity System (SPID) is the simple, fast and secure access key to digital services of local and central administrations.
Each citizen receives credentials (username and password), that represents his/her digital and personal identity. These credentials allow the identification by the Public Administration to use digital services in a personalized and secure way.
SPID also allows access to public services of the member states of the European Union and of companies or traders who have chosen it as an identification tool.
With the access system on which SPID is based, the Public Administration is even closer to citizens. By guaranteeing everyone access to online services, which is always the same and intuitive, SPID facilitates the use of online services and simplifies the relationship of citizens with public offices.
The private sector can also benefit from the digital identity, improving user experience and management of customers’ personal data.
For further information, please check out the website 鈬 .

There are several services offered by the Italian government that can be accessed through SPID. How can I apply for SPID?

If you are 18 years old you can activate SPID, having a valid Italian identification document.

Step – 1


  • an Italian identification document
  • health card (鈥淭essera Sanitaria鈥) or tax code (鈥淐odice Fiscale鈥)
  • an email address and a mobile number

Step – 2

Access the site of one of the digital identity providers authorized and supervised by AgID.

Step – 3

To proceed with activation:

  • register;
  • carry out the recognition.

Step – 4

Recognition method:

  • in person
  • via webcam
  • audio-video by bank transfer
  • CIE (Carta d’Identit脿 Elettronica), CNS (Carta Nazionale dei Servizi) or digital signature

Necessary documents
Before activating SPID, make sure you have:
鉃 a valid Italian document (Identity Card, driving license, passport);
鉃 your social security card (鈥淭essera Sanitaria鈥) or tax code (鈥淐odice Fiscale鈥), or the attribution certificate of one of the two;
鉃 an email address and mobile number.

Choose your digital identity provider.
To proceed with activation, identify one of the authorized identity providers and register on the website of the provider you have chosen, following the indicated steps:
鉃 enter your personal data;
鉃 create your SPID credentials;
鉃 carry out the recognition, choosing between the free or paid methods offered by identity providers, before proceeding with the activation.
Alternatively, you can go to one of the public administrations that can carry out the procedure of identification free of charge and allow the subsequent release of SPID.

Discover the authorized offices close to you
The timing of issuing of the digital identity depends on the individual provider. Once obtained, the use of SPID for citizens is free of charge.

Are you an Italian abroad?
If you live abroad, you are an Italian citizen enrolled in AIRE: select an online recognition method marked with the EU or world symbol.

If you are a foreign citizen in Italy, remember that it is not possible to request听SPID using your residence permit, but with it you can obtain an identity card听that听you听will听need听to听request听SPID.

I want to open a bank account in Italy. What documents must be submitted to open a bank account?

The documents that are needed to open a bank account are essentially biographical ones, among which we have:
鉃 an ID card;

鉃 a tax identification number or health card;

鉃 a certificate of residence or alternatively a household utility, which is not always required.

Where can I find accommodation in Rome?

二四六天天好彩 International Medical University is easily accessible by public transport using the undergroung (Line B). You are recommended to find accommodation nearby underground stations (Bologna, Policlinico, Tiburtina, Monti Tiburtini, Pietralata).
We suggest you take a look at the following websites:

I have found a flat and would like to move my residence to Italy. What should I do?

By 鈥渃hange of residence鈥 we mean coming to live in Rome, either coming from another municipality or from abroad, and the related civil registration.
Change of residence means a change of habitual home within the territory of Roma Capitale.
As an alternative to the online service, applications for change of residence/housing can be submitted via CEM, by registered mail, or physically at municipal offices.

Who are the service target audience?

The service is addressed to all citizens who wish to move their residence to Rome or change their domicile within the City of Rome.
For under-age children, you can proceed through an online service as long as a parent is also moving; if the change of residence/home concerns only the under-age child, the application must be submitted at the offices, by PEC or registered letter A/R.

How can you access it?

Access is on the Institutional Portal of Roma Capitale after authentication with SPID, CIE or CNS.

How does it work?

The procedure is guided by the system and involves a few simple steps better described as follows:
鉃 In order to complete a new residence declaration, please enter your personal information, any vehicle ownership data, and driver’s license data;
鉃 locate the address of the new residence for which you are applying;
鉃 enter biographical information of family members who will be moving to the residence being applied for. Entry of information specifying under what title the applicant places residence in the building (ownership, housing, lease) and telephone contacts;
鉃 upload possible files exclusively in PDF format of the size of 2MB each.

What is the I.S.E.E. for?

The ISEE is a tool with which it is verified whether or not a family is entitled to certain subsidies, benefits, and facilities based on its economic condition. Using some practical examples, the ISEE should be carried out whenever you want to get:

鉃攄iscounts on gas, water or electricity bills (i.e. so-called 鈥渂onus sociali鈥);
鉃攄iscounts on public transportation;

鉃攄isability benefits;

鉃攂enefits such as Citizenship Income, Universal Single Allowance or Psychologist Bonus;
鉃攕tarting in 2024 it will also be used to apply for the new Youth Culture Card established by the 2023 Budget Law to replace the 18app 鈥淏onus cultura鈥.
Possibilities are countless. Often the benefits for which ISEE is requested are not national but local, therefore the information and access requirements can also change from city to city and depend on the household, location, and individual benefit requested.

How can I apply for the I.S.E.E?

You can apply for the ISEE for free at your 鈥淐AF鈥 or 鈥淧atronato鈥 by submitting the required documentation.
For further information, please check out the website 鈬

Can I take benefit of a public transportation discount?


ATAC – one-year subscription discount: This pass is reserved for young people听and听students听residing听in听Rome听who听have听an听ISEE听(Equivalent听Economic听Situation听Indicator) income not exceeding 鈧 20,000.00. Valid 365 days from the top up听date听shown听on听the听receipt听for听unlimited听journeys听within听the听territory听of听Rome.



Where you can find it: at Atac ticket offices (excluding Spagna underground听station) it is possible to request the Metrebus Card on which to top up the听personal monthly pass. You just have to fill in a form and give it to the ticket听clerk听together听with听a听photocopy听of听a听valid听identification听document,听accompanied by an original copy. The card is personalized with name, surname,听date听of听birth听and听photo.听In听case听of听loss,听theft听or听damage,听you听can听request听a duplicate at authorized Atac ticket offices upon payment of a fee听and after听having completed the specific form, attaching a copy of the identity document.听In听case听of听malfunction,听the听service听is听free.听For听underage听applicants听it听is听necessary听to听attach听a听copy听of听the听document听of听a听parent/guardian听and,听in听case听of听first听issue,听deliver听a听paper听photograph听of听the听minor.

Where you can top it up: The annual electronic card can be topped up at Atac听ticket听offices.


up to 鈧 10,000.00鈧 130.00
from 鈧 10,00.01 to听鈧 15,000.00鈧 140.00
from 鈧 15,00.01 to听鈧 20,000.00鈧 150.00

Issue听of听this pass is reserved for citizens living in Rome who have an ISEE听income听not听exceeding听鈧20,000.00听and听belonging听to听one听of听the听following听categories:


鈥⑻齍niversity听students听up听to听26听years听of听age, only if enrolled in secondary听education听institutions.



All the steps to do when you are at 二四六天天好彩

I arrived in Italy and got a residence permit. What should I do on my first day at university?

The 二四六天天好彩 staff is happy to welcome you with a day organized especially for you!

THE WELCOME DAY: the International Office will welcome you by providing in person all the information included in this guide:
鉃 Student Regulations;

鉃 Italian/English language courses;

鉃 daily life and routine.

You will receive all the necessary information about the Welcome Day before your arrival.

How can I finalise my University registration?

Candidates who have acquired the right to register in the first year must finalise online registration by submitting the following documentation:
鉃 registration application submitted to the Rector and acceptance of the 二四六天天好彩 Code of Ethics
鉃 Student Contract (filled in by the candidate or, if underage, by a person exercising parental responsibility);
鉃 digital photo;
鉃 valid identity document and tax code and, if foreigners legally staying in Italy, a valid residence permit;
鉃 privacy information disclosure;
鉃 a 16,00 (sixteen/00) euro stamp duty;
鉃 receipt for the payment of the fee imposed by the Lazio Regional Authority;
鉃 a declaration of commitment to be handed in before the beginning of classes in the academic year of reference:
-the tuberculin test performed according to the Mantoux technique or with the quantiferon test, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of 7th February 2013 of the State-Regions Conference on the 鈥淧revention of tuberculosis in healthcare workers and subjects treated as equivalent to them鈥, and of Presidential Decree no. 465 of 7th November 2001, Regulations establishing the conditions under which anti-tubercular vaccination is mandatory, pursuant to Article 93, Paragraph 2, of Law no. 388 of 23rd December 2000. This test must be performed at a National Health Service facility;
-certificate of vaccination against viral hepatitis B, pursuant to Law no. 165 of 27th May 1991;

With this declaration, students also agree to undergo any other vaccination available, as sanctioned from time to time by regulations in force or deemed appropriate by the University for students’ safety and the safety of all those with whom they may come into contact, as a result of the activities in which they are required to participate.
Furthermore, it is mandatory to submit in person to the Registrars’ Office, under penalty of exclusion:
鉃 the official Italian legalised translation of the qualifications along with the Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Embassy or Consulate General, having territorial jurisdiction in the country in which the qualification was produced. This documentation is required for all students who obtained their qualifications abroad; the University also accepts the CIMEA Certificate of Comparability and the Certificate of Verification, whose issuance times are shorter.
鉃 an application for a residence permit issued by the competent authorities;
鉃 a copy of the entry VISA for study purposes obtained in accordance with the law.

The time required for the issuance of the Declaration of Value and the legalized translation of my high school diploma is quite long. How can I apply for the CIMEA Certificates to make it quicker?

It is possible to apply for the CIMEA Certificates 鈬

I am a student studying Italian abroad and I want to improve my knowledge Italian.

二四六天天好彩 organises Italian language courses for students. For further information, please check our website 鈬 here.

Mobile Networks

二四六天天好彩 requires an Italian number to be reachable by phone. As soon as the Italian number is released, you will need to update the Contacts Section on the GOMP portal: GOMP > Personal Data > Contacts.

In order to activate a SIM card (mobile phone card) and get an Italian phone number you must give proof of residence in Italy, an Identity Card and your Italian Tax Code.

There are many suppliers from which to choose offering competitive options and all providers offer rechargeable or long-term contracts.
Just to name a few and so you can compare the offers and choose your favourite, you find: TIM, Vodafone, Iliad, Kena, WIND etc.


General number112
Fire brigade115

Lost or stolen items

If you are victim of a crime or theft, the first thing to do is to file a police report. To report stolen items or crimes, you can go to the main police station in Rome (Questura). You can also file a report online on or .

The Italian law enforcement forces are divided into two general categories: the Polizia and the Carabinieri. Polizia is the state police force and Carabinieri is Italy鈥檚 national military police.
Both the Polizia and the Carabinieri can be approached for general crime, such as theft or assault. There are also in-country organizations, which provide counselling, medical, and legal assistance to certain crime victims. In your police report (鈥渄enuncia鈥) you are asked to provide a list of the items stolen. This report can be used for insurance claims and to obtain passport and traveller鈥檚 check replacements. Filing a police report is your personal responsibility. You should take your passport and any other identification document you have with you when you file the report.

If you lose your credit card, report it immediately to the emergency numbers you have been given!








Revenue Agency appointment request:








