


Video presentation
of the Online Master




Start date:
Flexible (it suits the needs of the student)



Second level
Academic Master
60 CFU


Many colleagues are invited to fill the role of Health Director in the dental field and accept this position unaware, or with little knowledge, about the responsibility that is inherent in the role itself.
The conferment of tasks and the supervision of the operators’ activities, in line with the qualifications held by them, require knowledge of national and regional regulations,Ìý as well as jurisprudential notes and ethical rules to be respected and enforced. The Master aims to train and / or consolidate the knowledge necessary to take on the role of Health Director in the dental field with professionalism and awareness, also learning to recognize and deal with critical issues, prevent and deal with possible disputes and knowingly provide for the choice of the best insurance policy for the needs of the structure, for themselves and for the collaborators.


The master is given in FAD mode, through static and dynamic didactic material (slides and video lessons) and therefore can be used from its own premises.
• Lessons and video lessons included in the platform will be available from its headquarters 24/24 hours, divided into 6 modules, each of which includes 60 days of study activities and the passing of an assessment test with multiple-choice questions.
• No. 1 final evaluation test, to be carried out upon completion of the 6 teaching modules.
• Overall: study activities, passing the multiple choice tests and the final test.
• Possibility of interacting with the Tutors through the formulation of questions via email.


The Master will have a minimum duration of 12 months (with teaching carried out as Distance Learning-FAD), such as to allow the completion of the 6 teaching modules and the related 6 verification tests + final evaluation test; the master must, in any case, be completed by the learner no later than 18 (eighteen) months from enrollment; after this deadline, the learner’s access to the platform will be interrupted.
The Master includes a total of 1,500 hours, divided into:
–Ìý pre-recorded video lessons
–Ìý study material that can be consulted (slides) and indicated (bibliography – in-depth study)
–Ìý no. 6 intermediate learning tests (multiple choice quiz)
–Ìý study activities
–Ìý no. 1 final assessment test (multiple choice quiz)


Attendance of the entire educational program is mandatory: the video lessons must be followed entirely, being able to interact from their own premises with the telematic platform (e-learning) at any time, 7 days a week, 24/24 hours. Each FAD section (module) will have a scheduled duration of 60 days after which, having passed the multiple-choice test for the verification of learning, the learner will be able to access the next module.
Passing the intermediate tests is a necessary condition for the continuation of the master.
The study of the material that can be consulted (slides) and the in-depth studies indicated (bibliography-in-depth analysis) is essential for passing the intermediate tests and the final test.


The purpose of the master is the training of Medical Directors of dental facilities, allowing the acquisition of notions of a regulatory, legal, ethical and managerial nature, which are essential for correctly addressing the role of planning and controlling the activity and risk.


To be admitted to the Master it is necessary to be registered in the Register of Dentists.

For candidates in possession of qualifications equivalent / equivalent to those required:
– Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Consular Authority of the country of study (accompanied by transcript of records + copy of the final diploma)Ìýor a(n) CIMEA Certificate of Comparability/ARDI Statement of Correspondence accompanied by a CIMEA Statement of Verification (see the platform)Ìýor Diploma Supplement (if it is a European qualification) issued by the University of origin and legalised at the Italian Embassy of the country of study. Students who submit incomplete documentation will be admitted with reservation and cannot complete their enrolment until all the required documentation has been submitted.
The University reserves the right to admit candidates with different qualifications but related to the Master curriculum.


Registrations for the master can take place at any time. The application must be submitted through theÌý student portal following the instructions provided in the GUIDE (download here).
In order to complete the registration, it is necessary to have the following documentation, to be attached on the portal during the procedure:
• curriculum vitae et studiorum in European format, dated and signed, in PDF format;
• valid identity document in PDF format;
• Degree certificate in PDF format;
• your own photo in JPG or PNG format;
• any additional qualifications that you wish to submit to the evaluation for admission;
• declaration of having read the information relating to the processing of personal data, pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the “protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data” (hereinafter also GDPR) provided by ¶þËÄÁùÌìÌìºÃ²Ê;
• photocopy of the Fiscal Code or Health Card (for Italian citizens and for foreigners who are in possession of it);
• for candidates in possession of qualifications equivalent to those required: substitutive declaration of certification, pursuant to art. 46 point m of the Presidential Decree 28/12/2000 n. 445, certifying the achievement of the qualifications, in accordance with current legislation.

Following admission, candidates must follow the enrollment procedure following the instructions provided in the specific guide, which will be sent by email together with the notification of admission to the Master.


The participation fee is equal toÌýEuro 3.000,00*Ìýin addition to 50.00 Euros for secretarial rights to be paid in 2 installments:
•ÌýFirst installment: Euro 1.500,00 + Euro 50.00 for the matriculation stamp at the same time as registering for the master
•ÌýSecond installment: of Euro 1.500,00 within 120 days of enrollment; the payment of the second installment is an indispensable condition for access to the third didactic module.

*In the event that the candidate does not make the payment within the times indicated by ¶þËÄÁùÌìÌìºÃ²Ê, he/she will no longer be able to access his/her personal student area and the video lessons, self-assessment tests and exams.

**The payment of the registration fees is not subject to the application of VAT pursuant to Art. 4 DPR 633/72, as it is part of the University’s institutional training offer.
Upon payment, a note attesting the payment will be issued.

Language: Italian

Director: Dr. Prof. Marco Brady Bucci